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What To Consider When Picking Out The Right CBD Product For Your Pet

Writer's picture: The Mountain ManThe Mountain Man

We hear story after story of how CBD has changed the quality of life for many of our customers furry family members. Just as CBD has helped humans pets can also reap the same health-boosting benefits. Research shows CBD is very promising in helping pets in a variety of ways. Some of the recorded benefits include.

1) Reduces Anxiety:

CBD is non phychoactive. Your pets can enjoy the relaxation without the intoxication.

2) Fights Cancer

3) Treats Seizures & Epilepsy

4) Relieves Pain

5) Inflammatory Bowel Disease

6) Reduces Chronic Infalmmation & Autoimmine Disease

7) Protects The Nervous System From Degeneration

😎 Reduces Nausea

9) Promotes Cardiovascular Health

CBD has been proven to be extremely safe to use even at high doses and for long periods of time. THC however is considered toxic for animals. It's important to know these five things before giving your pet a CBD Product.

5 Things To Look For

1) THC Free or Extremely Low % of THC:

The best CBD products for pets usually come from a Hemp plant and not a Marijuana plant. Both plants have CBD but the Hemp plant has very little to no THC. Trace amounts of THC can be OK for your pets but the safest products have no THC in it at all since THC can build up in there system and becomes toxic.

2) CBD From Organically Grown Plants:

If it is not organic then it will contain pesticides, fungicides and Solvents

3) Human Grade:

If it is not good enough for humans to consume than it is not good enough for animals either.

4) Lab Tested

Ask if the product has been through third party labatory testing. The only way to know for sure what is in the product is to have it analysed in a lab. The bottle should contain information about the percentage of CBD and THC in it.

5) Buy As A Tincture

CBD in liquid form is usually more pure and you can increase the dose slowly drop by drop in order to wake up the pets cannabiniod system slowly. It also allows you to find the perfect dose for your pet.

CBD is a perfect natural and safe solution to your pets chronic ailments. If you use this guide you will be able to find the right Pet Product for your Furry Family member. See our store for Mountain Man Medicinals THC Free, Organic, Lab Tested, Human Grade Pet Tincture.

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